Improvisational Storytelling
In this “Improvised Storytelling” jazz piano lesson, renowned pianist Jean-Michel Pilc shows you how to tell a story with your improvisations. Jean-Michel discusses and demonstrates the “bookends of music”, theme and variation, improvised songwriting, using constraints and more. If you want to take your improvisations beyond the changes and the scales…If you want to really tell a story while playing jazz, this piano masterclass is for you!
Improvisational Fluency
Learning the language of music, jazz and improvisation
In part one (1 of 2) of this “improvisational fluency” jazz piano lesson, renowned pianist Jean-Michel Pilc shows you how to speak the language of jazz natively so that you can truly improvise. Jean-Michel discusses and demonstrates his “immersion” process which mirrors how children learn to talk, because true improvisation can only happen when you are fluent in the jazz language. If you want to take your improvisations beyond the changes and the scales…If you want to really “have a conversation” while playing jazz, this video series is for you!
Life is improvisation, improvisation is life
I have a Patreon page, where I share tutorial videos based on this simple principle.
If you become a “Patron”, you will be able to access exclusive content – 2 or 3 videos per month, which any musician, regardless of style and level, can benefit from.
Masterclass de piano jazz (français)
Cette Masterclass de piano est destinée aux musiciens confirmés. Jean-Michel Pilc vous donne une vision différente, beaucoup moins académique, de l’approche d’un standard de jazz au piano. Il nous fait part de son expérience, de son ressenti de musicien – dont la renommée n’est plus à faire -, et il dissèque de manière très imagée les nombreuses étapes que sont le thème, la basse, le rythme et l’improvisation afin de pouvoir jouer dans différents contextes, que ce soit en groupe ou en solo.
Apprenez à analyser un standard de jazz afin de mieux le comprendre et de progresser en improvisation !
L’art de la Ballade (français)
Dans cette masterclass de piano jazz, Jean-Michel Pilc donne une description étendue et approfondie du processus d’accompagnement et de maîtrise d’une ballade. Centré autour de la célèbre standard « Body and Soul », vous trouverez dans cette masterclass comment développer une perception forte et musicale de la mélodie, conduisant à des interprétations et des improvisations créatives et significatives. De nombreux sujets seront abordés, tels que la mélodie, la basse, l’importance des paroles, la forme, le timing, le vocabulaire… La masterclass de Jean-Michel sera basée sur une approche naturelle, privilégiant le chant et la tradition orale tout en abordant chaque chose de manière claire et progressive. Tous les niveaux et tous les instruments sont les bienvenus, et en prime, Jean-Michel jouera lui-même des ballades (standards, originaux et improvisations), le jeu de ballade étant un élément central de sa propre personnalité musicale. Voir le cours
The Know – Lessons
The Crescent
Total Improvisational Control
In this lesson video, Jean-Michel Pilc discusses and shows musicians of every level and all instruments how to master the 3 elements of music:
- Rhythm
- Melody
- Bass
Once he shares a very practical and applicable exercise to help the viewer master these 3 elements simultaneously, he moves on to demonstrate real examples of how to improvise freely and masterfully over a 12 bar blues form.
Transcriptions available and clickable in the video once purchased.
True Jazz Improvisation: A Clear Path to making Real Music in Real Time
* For ALL Instruments & Levels!
* 2-hour Lesson with a Master Improviser & Master TEACHER
* Includes STUDENT Demonstrations
* MP3/PDF Extras
* BONUS: in-depth 60-minute Interview
* Take/export Private Notes + Discuss with Course Members
Piano Playing: Transcending The Instrument
A Technical & Musical Journey to Start Playing the Piano like an Orchestra
* For ANY Pianist interested in Technique & Practicing
* Learn from Piano Master JEAN-MICHEL PILC – for ALL Levels!
* Jam-packed 2-hour 25-minute Piano Masterclass
* BONUS: 60-Minute Interview by Dan Tepfer
* Take/export Private Notes + Discuss with Course Members
Book: About the Music
The Art and Heart of Improvisation
“Jean-Michel Pilc is currently one of the most innovative pianists in jazz. His expressions of form sometimes are the equal of extended classical pieces. His imagination is limitless. And now we are fortunate to have a book by him, an accounting that gives us a bit of insight into where this all came from, but more importantly, how we can tap into that same brilliant stream that lies within us all.” ~ Kenny Werner
“Jean-Michel Pilc touches on the core of that which is unquantifiable in great art making in this masterwork. Every page is filled with language that beautifully describes the invisible process of spontaneous improvisation. This work has the potential to break down all sorts of barriers in the world of music education and liberate those that struggle with the limits of their own knowledge is external). I know that my perspective on improvisation, both as an improviser and teacher, is re-energized and forever changed after reading this magical book.” ~ Larry Koonse, guitarist, CA Institute of the Arts Faculty
“This book is an exceptional work – there is no other like it – truly amazing.” ~ Joey Sellers, composer, trombonist, Director of Jazz Studies at Saddleback College, CA
Note from the Publisher: Self-taught jazz pianist and composer, Jean-Michel Pilc, writes on the expressive aspect of improvisation based on the premise that originality in art is a matter of expressing one’s own uniqueness. He draws examples emphasizing the primacy of feeling spanning from classical music to jazz, and describes simple and essential exercises based on physicality that will help students and professionals alike to tap into his or her own stream of creativity. Written in an engaging and conversational style, the reader will be drawn into the mind of one of the most unique and imaginative jazz artists living today.
Paperback: 241 pages, Publisher: Glen Lyon Books, Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0985903909, Product Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches, Shipping Weight: 1lb 2oz